COMPOSITION: 1 sheet comprises of formic acid 60% 25 ml
EFFECT: Formic acid effective against bee ectoparasites .
INDICATIONS: It destroys Varroa (in closed nest), bee lice, and wax moth. Acarosis.
Application and dosage: The board impregnated with formic acid should be above the fruiting transversely across the frame away from the opening shaft and the leaves for 48 h. After placing, the plates of the opening must be wide open. If the hive has over 22 frames, two boards are placed (base of LR beehives). Determining of the damage is performed with the control of the paper that is located on the bottom of the bottom board. Control of death is conducted after 14 days. If the control beehive shows a larger number of varroa, treatment can be repeated after 3 – 4 days.
NOTE: Using the panel is allowed at temperature + 14oC – 25oC. In the treatment during the extremely cold days of spring – autumn and transient cold wave, it is necessary to provide an optimal environmental temperature of + 20 ° C and maintain it for 3 h after laying the tiles. If the morning and evening temperatures are too low boards are placed during the day. Formic acid is not corrosive.
Contraindications: Do not apply treatment during full grazing. Do not put the board in a society that is in the winter cluster.
PRECAUTIONS: Handle boards with rubber gloves. If the medicine comes in contact with the skin, rinse it with water supplemented with sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3).
EXPIRATION DATE : No restrictions